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I am interested in leadership, so I enjoyed reading Dr. Joel Small’s book Face To Face, How Small Business Owners Are Creating Cultures Of Excellence.

The author writes guidelines that are based on his extensive experience as a small business leader and entrepreneur. When answering the question “Why lead?” Dr. Small says: “Leaders lead powerful cultures that are personally and professionally fulfilling to all participants. The business thrives because people love being there, enjoy working in it, and share in the rewards of success. Employees take ownership in the decisions and feel connected to customers. It goes beyond good, to great.”

He discusses strong leadership influence on business: “Leadership makes good business sense. It increases productivity and profitability.”

And on culture: “Great cultures do not just happen. They are the expression of an evolutionary process through which good leaders became great leaders … As leadership skills increase, management problems decrease.”

The guidelines covered in the book apply to European small businesses as well. Therefore, if you are running a practice/laboratory, or planning to open one, I believe that this is a must-read leadership guide for you.

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